The institutional environment of gender budgeting: Learning from the Portuguese experience Hot
Uploaded by Susana Jorge
Uploaded date: May 09, 2023
Publication date
January 20, 2023
Paper language
This article analyses the institutional environment around gender budgeting (GB) implementation. In the academic literature, research on GB is still scarce. This article, using the case of Portugal (at the central government level), contributes to the academic literature by explaining the institutional context around GB development and implementation—specifically, how various factors and actors combine and interact to encourage or hamper the GB initiation process. The authors highlight the traps to be avoided.
Preferred Citation
Susana Jorge, Lina Coelho & Liliana Pimentel (2023) The institutional environment of gender budgeting: Learning from the Portuguese experience, Public Money & Management, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2023.2165274
gender budgeting, governance, implementation, institutional theory, preparation, women's rights organizations
Type of Paper
Published paper