Task Force – Public Sector Financial Management and Reporting

The CIGAR network, the EGPA PSG XII, and the IRSPM PSAAG have jointly established a task force that brings together members of the three research networks interested in playing an active and influential role in the worldwide process of developing high quality public sector financial reports. The mission of the task force is to assist the EU legislator and the IPSASB in their efforts to improve public sector financial management and reporting, by drafting theoretically sound and empirically embedded documents, either spontaneously, or in response to an invitation to provide comments and empirical evidence, for example, on exposure drafts.

To this date, the task force has contributed on the following consultations and produced the following documents:


IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 88, “Amendments Coring Rights over Assets (Amendments to IPSAS 47 and IPSAS 48)”
May 2024

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 88 “Amendments Coring Rights over Assets (Amendments to IPSAS 47 and IPSAS 48)”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 88 “Amendments Coring Rights over Assets (Amendments to IPSAS 47 and IPSAS 48)”

IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 87 “Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine (Amendments to IPSAS 12)”
May 2024

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 87 “Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine (Amendments to IPSAS 12)”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 87 “Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine (Amendments to IPSAS 12)”

IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 86 “Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”
May 2024

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 86 “Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 86 “Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”

IPSASB “Strategy and Work Program 2024-2028”
February 2024

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB “Strategy and work program 2024-2028”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 84 “Strategy and work program 2024-2028”

IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 84 “Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind (Amendments to IPSAS 43 and IPSAS 23)
May 2023

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 84 “Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind (Amendments to IPSAS 43 and IPSAS 23)”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 84 “Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind (Amendments to IPSAS 43 and IPSAS 23)”

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 83 “Reporting Sustainability Program Information“
January 2023

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 83 “Reporting Sustainability Program Information“

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 83 “Reporting Sustainability Program Information“

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IPSASB Consultation Paper Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting
September 2022 

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Consultation Paper Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Consultation Paper Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 82 “Retirement Benefit Plans"
July 2022

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB document ED 82 “Retirement Benefit Plans"

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 82 “Retirement Benefit Plans"

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 81 “Proposed Update to Conceptual Framework “Conceptual Framework update: Chapter 3, Qualitative characteristics and Chapter 5, Elements in Financial Statements”
May 2022

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 81 “Proposed Update to Conceptual Framework “Conceptual Framework update: Chapter 3, Qualitative characteristics and Chapter 5, Elements in Financial Statements”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB ED 81 “Proposed Update to Conceptual Framework “Conceptual Framework update: Chapter 3, Qualitative characteristics and Chapter 5, Elements in Financial Statements”

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IPSASB Mid-Period Work Program Consultation for its Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023
November 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Mid-Period Work Program Consultation for its Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Mid-Period Work Program Consultation for its Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023.

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) (ED) 79, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
October 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) (ED) 79, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 79, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 78,  Property, Plant, and Equipment.
October 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 78,  Property, Plant, and Equipment

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 78,  Property, Plant, and Equipment

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement.
October 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 77, Measurement

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IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 76, Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 7, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements.
October 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 76, Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 7, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft (ED) 76, Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 7, Measurement of Assets and Liabilities in Financial Statements

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The IPSASB has issued a Request for Information, Concessionary Leases and Other Arrangements Similar to Leases.
May 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the Request for Information, Concessionary Leases and Other Arrangements Similar to Leases.

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Request for Information, Concessionary Leases and Other Arrangements Similar to Leases.

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The IPSASB has issued the Exposure Draft 75, Leases.
May 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the Exposure Draft 75, Leases.

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft 75, Leases.

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The IPSASB has issued the Exposure Draft (74) proposing an addition of non-authoritative guidance to IPSAS 5, Borrowing Costs.
March 2021

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the Exposure Draft (74) proposing an addition of non-authoritative guidance to IPSAS 5, Borrowing Costs.

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSASB Exposure Draft (74) proposing an addition of non-authoritative guidance to IPSAS 5, Borrowing Costs.

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Two public sector accounting proposals to Eurostat from the Task Force
February 2021

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented situation for the whole globe, putting the citizens-government relationships, as well as public finances, under considerable strain. Public sector accounting may act as a catalyst in improving public sector financial management and mobilize citizens to demand better information to assess the sustainability of their government performance. In this letter, the members of the Task Force , make recommendations to #Eurostat towards this end, and specifically advance two proposals:

1st proposal: Development of a European (minimum) template for reporting to citizens.

2nd proposal: Educating public sector accountants.

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IPSAS – Revenue with Performance Obligations, Revenue without Performance Obligations, Transfer Expenses
November 2020

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSAS Board documents for ED 70 ‘Revenue with Performance Obligations’, ED 71 ‘Revenue without performance obligations’ and ED 72 ‘Transfer Expenses’

The Task Force has prepared three documents containing comments and suggestions considering the ED 70 ‘Revenue with Performance Obligations’, ED 71 ‘Revenue without performance obligations’ and ED 72 ‘Transfer Expenses’

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ED 70 ‘Revenue with Performance Obligations’
ED 71 ‘Revenue without performance obligations’
ED 72 ‘Transfer Expenses’

COVID-19 and Public Sector Accounting
April 2020

Subject: Proposal on setting guidelines to register COVID-19 effects on Government Financial Reporting

The Task Force has prepared a proposal addressed to Eurostat and IPSASB suggesting the set-up of guidelines to register COVID-19 effects on Government Financial Reporting.

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IPSAS – Financial Instruments
January 2020

Subject: Comments and suggestions considering the IPSAS Board document for ED 69 | ‘Public Sector Specific Financial Instruments: Amendments to IPSAS 41, Financial Instruments’

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions considering the IPSAS Board document for ED 69 | ‘Public Sector Specific Financial Instruments: Amendments to IPSAS 41, Financial Instruments’.

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IPSAS – Measurement
October 2019

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Consultation Paper “Measurement”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Consultation Paper “Measurement”.

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IPSAS – Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief (Amendments to IPSAS 19)
April 2019

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Proposals of ED67 “Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief
(Amendments to IPSAS 19)”

TThe Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Proposals of ED67 “Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief (Amendments to IPSAS 19)”.

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IPSAS – Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023
July 2018

Subject: Comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Consultation for its Proposed Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions on the IPSASB Consultation for its Proposed Strategy and Work Plan 2019-2023.

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IPSAS – Leases
June 2018

Subject: Proposed International Public Sector Accounting Standard “Leases”

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions on the Proposed International Public Sector Accounting Standard “Leases”.

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IPSAS – Social Benefits
March 2018

Subject: Comments on IPSAS Exposure Draft 63 (Social Benefits, October 2017)

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments on IPSAS Exposure Draft 63 (Social Benefits, October 2017).

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IPSAS – Accounting for Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses
January 2018

Subject: Comments and suggestions IPSAS Consultation Paper for Accounting for Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions IPSAS Consultation Paper for Accounting for Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses.

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IPSAS – Financial Reporting for Heritage in the Public Sector
September 2017

Subject: Comments and suggestions IPSAS Consultation Paper Financial Reporting for Heritage in the Public Sector

The Task Force has prepared a document containing comments and suggestions IPSAS Consultation Paper Financial Reporting for Heritage in the Public Sector.

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