German and Italian Municipalities’ Internal Control Systems: Convergence to a Neo-Weberian Reform Pattern? Isabella Fadda Hot
Uploaded by Isabella Fadda     Uploaded date: December 10, 2014    
Publication date
August 12, 2014
Paper language
This article contributes to the debate on convergence/divergence of public management reforms toward the new public management (NPM) paradigm by analyzing the internal control systems (ICSs) in Germany and Italy. Specifically, the study describes the ICS established at the normative level in German and Italian municipalities and evaluates the extent of the decisional convergence to NPM, using the INTOSAI guidelines. Although similarities between the two ICSs and the INTOSAI guidelines emerged, decisional convergence is not demonstrated. Instead, these countries seem to converge to a Neo-Weberian reform pattern since they are cautious in the introduction of new managerial tools and they maintain their domestic original ICS.
Preferred Citation
Reginato E, Landis C, Fadda I, Pavan A, German and Italian Municipalities’ Internal Control Systems: Convergence to a Neo-Weberian Reform Pattern? in International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 37, Issue 10, 2014
convergence; internal control systems; German municipalities; Italian municipalities; Neo-Weberian
Comparative Research
Type of Paper
Published paper

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