New edition of the European Public Sector Accounting Book


Dear PSAR friends,

We would like to draw your attention to the new edition of “European Public Sector Accounting” book co-edited by Peter Lorson, Ellen Haustein, and Susana Jorge is available at The book is totally free and easily downloadable. It includes in its 14 chapters and 600 pages several aspects of Public Sector Accounting (PSA) topics such as the history of PSA, its differences to private sector accounting, finance statistics and budgeting, International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS), consolidated financial reporting and alternative reporting and non-financial accounting formats to name just a few.  The chapters have been authored by the co-editors Peter Lorson, Ellen Haustein, and Susana Jorge and reputable colleagues in public sector accounting (in alphabetical order Caroline Aggestam, Eugenio Anessi Pessina, Yuri Biondi, Isabel Brusca, Josette Caruana, Sandra Cohen, Giovanna Dabbico, Francesca Manes Rossi and Lasse Oulasvirta).

This textbook is ideal for use by students and researchers but also practitioners and members of intergovernmental organisations that want to get a holistic view of Public Sector Accounting

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