Virtual Workshop 9th February 2023

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Dear PSAAR friends,

We would like to draw your attention to the Virtual workshop related to the Special Issue in Financial Accountability and Management entitled "Public financial management for Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges, experiences and perspectives" that will take place on the 9th of February 2023. The Guest editors of the SI are  Francesca Manes Rossi, Isabel Brusca, Sandra Cohen, Eugenio Caperchione, Anna Thomasson.  

Please find all the necessary information about the event at this link.

For the call for papers for the special issue and the event click here.

Prof. Jan Bebbington will open the event with a a key note speech on ‘The SDGs at the half way stage: promise and distance still to travel’.

Important dates

Research proposals and abstracts by all those interested in the theme are expected by 10th December 2022.

Authors of selected research will be notified by 22 December 2022 and invited to submit their revised proposal/research designs for the workshop participation by 15 January 2023.

Please consider that participation in the event is not a prerequisite for the submission to the special issue and we would be pleased to host at the event also research proposals not necessarily intended to be submitted to the special issue.


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