Spring Workshop of the Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management of EGPA

We would like to draw your attention to the Spring Workshop of the Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management of EGPA that will take place in Rostock, Germany, on 3-4 May 2018.
The theme of the Workshop is "Users, use, usefulness and user needs: The challenges faced by public sector financial management ".
The deadline for abstract submissions is the 1st of February 2018.
In the call for papers you can find all the details about the main issues that will be discussed in the conference.
We invite papers about the following themes, but not limited to
• The contributions of public sector financial management scholars to support public administrations in identifying addressees of their information reported, the way information is used and reasons for the usefulness or misuse of information.
• Studies on user-centred design and user needs assessment within public financial management.
• The role of new/alternative reporting formats (e.g. popular reporting, integrated reporting, sustainability reporting and performance reporting) in addressing a broader scope of users and responding to their needs.
• The challenges in developing conceptual frameworks and accounting standards both at national and international level (i.e.: IPSAS; EPSAS; national regimes) that respond to different types of users and user needs, as well as reporting objectives and principles arising.
• The role of public sector accounting and reporting in restoring public confidence and legitimacy.
• Innovations in management accounting and/or financial accounting for the public sector, which improve usability by internal and/or external users (e.g. with respect to digitalization).
• Perspectives on the use of performance information in the public sector (i.e. theories, practices and disciplines).
• The challenges for and expectations towards academia to provide professional expertise to graduates in their role as potential professionals with a public sector focus (capacity building).
Papers that fall within the general scope of public sector accounting and the comparability of governmental financial reporting in the EU are also welcome.
Please note the key dates for the Workshop:
Online submission of abstracts deadline: 1 February 2018
Acceptance and notification to authors: 15 February 2018
Last day for Early bird registration: 1 March 2018
Deadline for submitting the complete papers: 15 April 2018
Participation Fees:
The fee is €100 for registration before 1 March 2018 and €140 for late registration (after 1 March 2018).
For more information about the Workshop click here.
For the call for papers click here.