EGPA Spring workshop 2016


Dear PSAAR friends,

We would like to draw your attention to the Spring Workshop of the Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management of EGPA that will take place in May 5-6, 2016 in Modena, Italy. The theme of the Conference is "Innovation in public sector accounting standards: are EPSAS the best way to European harmonization?".

The deadline for abstract submissions is the 20th of February.

You can see the Workshop's flyer here.

In the call for papers you can find all the details about the main issues that will be discussed in the conference. In brief, the main topics are:

  • The role of EPSASs in fostering harmonization of accounting systems among EU public administrations
  • Implications of the European harmonisation project for accounting system already in place;
  • Integration between budgetary and statistical information
  • Governance of EPSAS-setting
  • The link between fiscal rules, budgets and financial reports
  • EPSASs and governmental financial reporting harmonisation
  • The role of EPSASs in Public Financial Management (PFM)
  • EPSASs, management accounting and performance measurement reporting

Papers that fall within the general scope of public sector accounting and the comparability of governmental financial reporting in the EU are also welcome.

Please note the key dates for the Workshop:
• Abstract submission deadline: 20 February, 2016
• Acceptance notification to authors: March 15, 2016
• Registration, early bird: March 31, 2016
Full paper submission: April 15, 2016

Conference fee: € 100 (before March 31), € 150 (after March 31)

For more information about the Workshop click here.

For the call for papers click here.


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