Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management

Dear PSAAR friends,

We would like to let you know about the works of the Permanent Study Group XII Public Sector Financial Management that will take place in August 26th to 28th in Toulouse, France as part of the 2015 EGPA Annual Conference. The theme of the Conference is "Management Accounting in the public sector: exploring a terra incognita".

The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to 10th May.

In the call for papers attached you can find all the details about the main issues that will be discussed in the conference.

Please note the updated key dates for the conference:

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 10, 2015
  • Acceptance notification to authors: May 25, 2015
  • Full paper submission: July 25, 2015.

For more information about the conference click here.

For the call for papers click here 

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