15th CIGAR Biennial Conference 'Making governmental accounting research more relevant: a practice-oriented approach'

Dear PSAAR friends,

The 15th CIGAR Biennial Conference 'Making governmental accounting research more relevant: a practice-oriented approach' is going to be held in Valletta, Malta, on 4-5 June, 2015. This will be preceded by the PhD Seminar on 3 June.

We are pleased to announce that Public Money and Management has accepted to publish a special issue from the papers presented at the Conference. The Co-ordinating Committee are in the process of discussing a second special issue with another international journal.

The deadline for submission of abstracts has now closed, however, we wish to remind you that you can still attend the Conference even if you are not presenting a paper. We would like to thank all academics/practitioners who have submitted an abstract. The wide range of issues raised will certainly make the Conference very interesting and rewarding.

We draw you attention to the key dates for the Conference:

Acceptance notification to authors and PhD students: 28 February 2015

Early bird registration: 1 April 2015

Full paper submission: 15 April 2015

Latest registration: 24 May 2015

For more information about the Conference, please visit the website www.um.edu.mt/events/cigar2015


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