Call for papers for workshop entitled “The Accountant, the Economist and the Politician and other stories in Public Sector Financial Management”

Dear PSAAR friends,

We would like to let you know about the workshop entitled “The Accountant, the Economist and the Politician and other stories in Public Sector Financial Management” that will take place in Winterthur (Switzerland), May 7-8, 2015.


The deadline for abstract submissions have been extended to 27th February.

In the call for papers attached you can find all the details about the main issues that will be discussed in the conference.

Paper presented at the workshop will be eligible for a special issue in the International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (visit online at

Please note the updated key dates for the workshop:

Abstract submission deadline: February 27, 2015

Acceptance notification to authors: Starting February 27, 2015

Registration: April 10, 2015 (Registration fees by that date € 100)

Full paper submission: April 10, 2015.

For more information about the Workshop click here.


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