Events Calendar

From Tuesday, 05 September 2023
To Friday, 08 September 2023
Hits : 408

EGPA Croatia

Dear PSAAR friends,

We would like to draw your attention to the following announcement of the EGPA PSG XII. The Permanent Study Group “Public Sector Financial Management” invites academics and practitioners to participate in the annual conference that will take place in Zagreb, 5-8 September 2023. The theme for the conference is: Public Financial Management and Accounting facing Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development.

Public sector digitalization processes affect all the areas embraced in public financial management: budgeting, accounting, reporting, management accounting, and auditing. It can also have important implications in accountability and relationships with citizens, as the use of big data, social media and other digital technologies can have important benefits both in changing internal processes and procedures, as well as for accountability and transparency. This will also have important implications for accountants and finance professionals that need accounting and digital skills to drive the process. Further challenges for public sector financial management for future years came from sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, governance), as governments need to provide services that add value for stakeholders maintaining the availability of future generations to meet their own needs. Different tools can be introduced in public financial management to face this challenge, such as Gender Budgeting, Green Budgeting, sustainability, integrated and popular reporting. Assurance and auditing of the aforementioned reporting formats also call for scholars’ attention. In practice, countries and governments are moving on to include these tools for achieving sustainable development and to legitimate their policies.

In this context, the Permanent Study Group intends to explore what is the current situation and what can support public administrations to face new challenges. The aim is to discuss the actions, tools and processes that can be useful for future developments and for overcoming different problems that can emerge.

For the call for papers click here

For more information on specific themes and abstract guidelines, as well as on the conference, please visit EGPA Conference:

Abstract should be submitted through the EGPA Conference Management Platform:

Important dates:
✓ Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 17, 2023
✓ Deadline for notification to the authors: May 31, 2023
✓ Deadline for online submission of full papers: August 17, 2023
✓ EGPA PhD Symposium: 5-6 September 2023
✓ EGPA 2023 Conference: 6-8 September 2023

Deadline for abstract17-05-2023
Deadline for full paper17-08-2023

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