Aligning public expenditure effectiveness with the SDG: a proposed measurement index for local governments Susana Jorge
Uploaded by Susana Jorge     Uploaded date: December 08, 2024    
Publication date
September 26, 2023
Paper language
This paper aims to propose a tool to assess local public expenditure effectiveness based on a framework of alignment between outputs, outcomes and impacts – the Index of Municipal Expenditure Effectiveness (IMEE). This index is composed of a set of indicators associated with the typology of local expenditure.
This study argues that measuring the public expenditure effectiveness based on outcome and impact indicators can provide the data needed for local governments to better understand the effects of their activities over time, ultimately assessing their contribution to public value.
Assessing the impact of local spending is important to ensure the best use of public resources. Linking local public expenditures with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs is a promising avenue to understand up to what extent the application of the public money is contributing to create public value by impacting on citizens’ lives.
Preferred Citation
Matos, S., Jorge, S. and Moura e Sá, P. (2023), "Measuring local public expenditure effectiveness using sustainable development goals", International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 36 No. 4/5, pp. 440-462.
Public finance, Outcomes, Social impacts, Index, Accountability, Local government
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  • Sustainability/SDGs
  • Other
Type of Paper
Published paper

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