Editorial: PMM CIGAR theme: Public sector accounting—educating for reform challenges Susana Jorge Hot

Uploaded by Susana Jorge     Uploaded date: December 08, 2024    
Publication date
September 29, 2023
Paper language
This theme partly builds on the 16th CIGAR Workshop (‘Educating for institutional change in public sector accounting?’), which was held in Cottbus and Berlin in September 2022. Workshop participants observed that research on PSAE is still limited and has traditionally focused on teaching methods, curriculum-oriented papers and career/employment-related issues. Also, international comparative research is very limited. An important aim of this PMM CIGAR theme was to provide a platform for research in PSAE and to further explore the role and objectives of PSAE.
Preferred Citation
Heiling, J., Adam, B., Jorge, S., & Karatzimas, S. (2023). Editorial: PMM CIGAR theme: Public sector accounting—educating for reform challenges. Public Money & Management, 43(7), 722–724.
education, IPSAS, public sector accounting
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