Sustainability in Crises Sandra Cohen
Uploaded by Sandra Cohen     Uploaded date: June 07, 2024    
Publication date
June 06, 2024
Paper language
In this paper, we examine how Greece, Ireland, and Spain responded to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 crisis drawing on sensemaking theory. We see evidence of bricoleurs who turn to readymade available solutions to inform their actions which have consequences on sustainability. To operationalize sustainability, we use data regarding EU Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our findings suggest that sustainability considerations as an integral part of policy planning can reshape public finance in the post-pandemic world.
Preferred Citation
Cohen, Sandra and Guillamón, María‐Dolores and Lapsley, Irvine and Robbins, Geraldine, Sustainability in Crises (March 24, 2024). Available at SSRN: or
Sense making; Bricolage; Sustainability; Austerity; Covid19; SDGs
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  • Comparative Research
  • Performance measurement
  • Sustainability/SDGs
Type of Paper
Working paper

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