Citizens’ e-participation in the digital world: empirical insights from Europe Marco Bisogno
Uploaded by Marco Bisogno     Uploaded date: March 21, 2024    
Publication date
March 21, 2024
Paper language
Building on previous literature that has emphasized the central role of end-users, this study investigated the level of e-participation in a large sample of European countries. Several indicators, based on data extracted from the Eurostat database, were utilized to express citizens’ use of e-government tools and platforms and the level of citizens’ satisfaction with e-government initiatives. To avoid technological determinism, this study provided a holistic perspective by referring to the public service ecosystem framework. Results documented the relevance of several factors at a macro, meso and micro levels.
Preferred Citation
Iuliano, G., Cuadrado-Ballesteros, B. & Bisogno, M. (2024): Citizens’ e-participation in the digital world: empirical insights from Europe, Public Money & Management, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2024.2329709
Citizens’ engagement; digitalization; e-government; e-participation; Europe; public service ecosystem
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