Do e-government initiatives and e-participation affect the level of budget transparency? Hot
Uploaded by Marco Bisogno
Uploaded date: May 16, 2022
Publication date
March 07, 2022
Paper language
This study investigates if and to what extent budget transparency is affected by e-government initiatives and e-participation. Using a sample of 97 countries for the years 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, and 2017, empirical find- ings showed that the hypothesized relationships do exist. These results suggest that interpreting budgeting in terms of mere compliance with laws and regulations is insufficient in the current digital era, and a public value framework is needed. Considering the different roles played by the budget, the accountability dimension seems vital for facilitating the greater involvement of citizens.
Preferred Citation
Bisogno, M., Cuadrado-Ballesteros, B. and Santis, S. (2022): Do e- government initiatives and e-participation affect the level of budget transparency?, International Public Management Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2022.2042437
e-government; e-participation; budget; transparency
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Comparative Research
Type of Paper
Published paper