Transparency in South American Central Governments Xenia Mamakou Hot
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Publication date
July 17, 2020
Paper language
The term “transparency” in economics and finance is defined very broadly as a process by which information about existing conditions, decisions, and actions is made accessible, visible, and understandable. Transparency is understood as the effective flow of information or as the process in which the information is prepared and disclosed in a safe, understandable, and timely manner (IMF Working Group 1998; Kopits and Craig 1998; Vishwanath and Kaufmann 1999). In particular, transparency is the opposite of secrecy (Florini 2000). One of its main underlying assumptions is that transparency is always closely connected to accountability.
Preferred Citation
HERMOSA DEL VASTO, Paola; JORGE, Susana; URQUÍA-GRANDE, Elena; DEL CAMPO, Cristina; «Transparency in South American Central Governments»; in A. Farazmand (ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance; Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, July 2020. [ISBN 978-3-319-20927-2]
Accountability; Corruption; Socioeconomic development; Transparency
Type of Paper
Book chapter

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