Public Sector Accounting, Auditing and Control in South Eastern Europe GORANA ROJE Hot
Uploaded by GORANA ROJE     Uploaded date: September 20, 2020    
Publication date
September 20, 2020
Paper language
This book comprehensively presents the current practice and further development paths of public sector accounting, auditing and control systems in 7 South Eastern European countries based on the contributions of highly-respected researchers. Each chapter is a study of the territorial organisation, public sector scope, formulation and execution of central government and local and regional self-government budgets, accounting and financial reporting reforms and practice, audit and other oversight (supervision) in the public sector, and challenges in the further development of public sector accounting and auditing of each country. It also provides insights into the challenges that SEE countries are faced with as they move towards the adoption of accrual accounting and the implementation of IPSAS and/or EPSAS, and offers a valuable reference resource for academics, researchers, students, auditors, public administrators, policy makers and standard setters.
Preferred Citation
V. Vašiček and G. Roje (eds.), Public Sector Accounting, Auditing
and Control in South Eastern Europe, Public Sector Financial
Public sector accounting; auditing; control; South-Eastern Europe; budget planning; budgetary accounting; financial reporting; accounting harmonisation; accruals implementation; cross country comparison
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  • Auditing
  • Comparative Research
  • International Accounting / Accounting Harmonization
Type of Paper
Book chapter

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