Accounting for the Private Finance Initiative in the UK National Health Service Ron Hodges
Uploaded by Ron Hodges     Uploaded date: March 28, 2020    
Publication date
August 01, 1999
Paper language
This paper examines the operation of the UK government's Private Finance Initiative (PFI) from the viewpoint of accounting in the National Health Service. It explores how the entity concept may be used to remove representation of the economic consequences of such schemes from public accounting reports. Illustrations are provided from the accounts of hospital NHS Trusts. with their high-value and politically sensitive capital projects. The paper provides contemporary evidence of financial reporting of PFI schemes and the contradictions between form and substance of these transactions.
Preferred Citation
Hodges, R and Mellett, M. (1999), “Accounting for the Private Finance Initiative in the UK National Health Service, Financial Accountability and Management, vol. 15, no. 3&4, (Aug) pp. 275-290.
entity concept; Private Finance Initiative, NHS Trusts, accounting policies; fixed assets
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Financial accounting
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