Approaches to public sector accounting and reporting in Europe Ellen Haustein Hot
Uploaded by Ellen Haustein     Uploaded date: December 09, 2019    
Publication date
October 01, 2019
Paper language
This chapter aims to provide both a context and a foundation for the book. Thereby it introduces important terms used throughout the module and differentiation of contents. By deriving a roadmap, it serves as a guidance through the different chapters and points out connections between lectures and the overall structure of the textbook.
After reading this chapter, readers will know about the relevance of public sector accounting as a field of study, the current public sector accounting developments in the EU, the reasons for differences in public sector accounting between countries and the key terms used in public sector accounting.
Preferred Citation
Haustein, E./Lorson, P.C. (2019): Approaches to public sector accounting and reporting in Europe, in: Lorson, P./Jorge, S./Haustein, E. (2019) (Hrsg.): European Public Sector Accounting, Coimbra, ISBN: 978-989-26-1856-2, pp. 25-46,
Public sector reporting, accounting concepts, harmonization, EPSAS
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  • Comparative Research
  • Financial accounting
  • International Accounting / Accounting Harmonization
Type of Paper
Book chapter

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