Setting International Public-Sector Accounting Standards: Does ‘Public’ Matter? The Case of Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions francesca Manes Rossi Hot
Uploaded by francesca Manes Rossi     Uploaded date: June 22, 2019    
Publication date
June 21, 2019
Paper language
This paper investigates accounting for non-exchange revenue, an issue which has a strong
relevance in public sector accounting, but which is rarely encountered in the private sector. The IPSASB
consultation paper ‘Accounting for Revenue and Non-exchange Expenses’ is analyzed to illustrate that the
specificities of the public sector are not necessarily taken into account when developing public sector
accounting standards. Our analysis is informed by literature on the political nature of accrual accounting
in public sector entities. The paper highlights the territorializing role of the IPSASB, the mediating role
attributable to the consultation paper, and the potential adjudicating and subjectivizing roles of a future
public sector accounting standard on revenue recognition.
Preferred Citation
Bisogno, M., Aggestam Pontoppidan C., Hodges R. and Manes-Rossi F. (2019): Setting International Public-Sector Accounting Standards: Does ‘Public’ Matter? The Case of Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions, Accounting in Europe, DOI:10.1080/17449480.2019.1624791
non-exchange revenue; IPSASB Conceptual Framework; accrual accounting; public sector accounting
International Accounting / Accounting Harmonization
Type of Paper
Published paper

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