Governance and efficiency in the Brazilian water utilities: A dynamic analysis in the process of universal access Isabel Brusca Hot
Uploaded by Isabel Brusca     Uploaded date: November 05, 2016    
Publication date
November 05, 2016
Paper language
We analyse the effect of governance on the dynamic efficiency of water utilities.
The deficit of capital for universalization is the principal factor of the inefficiency.
The ownership type has no significant effect on efficiency.
Regulatory agency has not ensured that utilities achieve better efficiency.
Price-cap and revenue-cap regimes are associated with lower efficiencies.
Preferred Citation
Barbosa, A, de Lima, S.C and Brusca, I, (2016). Governance and efficiency in the Brazilian water utilities: A dynamic analysis in the process of universal access. Utilities Policy.
Performance measurement
Type of Paper
Published paper

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