The usefulness of performance reporting in local government: comparing Italy and Spain francesca Manes Rossi Hot
Uploaded by francesca Manes Rossi     Uploaded date: July 12, 2014    
Publication date
May 01, 2013
Paper language
This article presents a comparative analysis of the perceived usefulness of
performance information by managers in local authorities in Italy and Spain.
Italy and Spain have similar cultural and administrative characteristics and in
both countries there are external requirements (from central government) to adopt
performance indicators. The adoption of performance indicators was found to be
almost symbolic in both states.
Preferred Citation
Montesinos, V., Brusca, I., Manes Rossi, F. & Aversano, N. (2013). The usefulness of performance reporting in local government: comparing Italy and Spain. Public Money & Management, 33(3), 171-176.
Accountability; comparative research; local government; performance measurement, performance reporting
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Financial accounting
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