Reporting Performance Information in the Public Sector: The Moral behind the (Non) Application of Program Budgeting in Greece Sotirios Karatzimas Hot
Uploaded by Sotirios Karatzimas     Uploaded date: July 12, 2014    
Publication date
July 07, 2014
Paper language
The article examines the timetable of the introduction and the sudden abandoning of program budgeting in Greece. The analysis is conducted through the lens of neo-institutional theory, organizational change theory and the resource dependency model. The framework developed is informed by archival data and the views of executives involved with the program as well as politicians. The findings suggest that subsequent institutional pressures deriving from the country’s resource dependency resulted in a re-prioritization of actions and therefore to the abandoning of the program budgeting project. Moreover, the analysis reveals that the cultivated culture inside a bureaucratic central government which gives rise to resistance to change and the poor diffusion of the new accounting philosophy would have hampered the success of the new system even if the plan had not been abandoned.
Preferred Citation
Cohen, S. and Karatzimas, S. (2014) "Reporting Performance Information in the Public Sector: The Moral behind the (Non) Application of Program Budgeting in Greece", International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 619-636
program budgeting, performance budgeting, performance information, public sector accounting, Greece
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  • Performance measurement
  • Other
Type of Paper
Published paper

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