
DEBATE – Auditing and political accountability in the local government: dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council Susana Jorge Hot

Uploaded by Susana Jorge     Uploaded date: May 09, 2023    
Publication date
October 17, 2022
Paper language
This article addresses the role of external auditing in enhancing accountability in local government, building upon several paradoxes that result from the political relationship between elected bodies. It takes the example of Portuguese municipalities.
Preferred Citation
Susana Jorge, Ana Calado Pinto & Sónia Nogueira (2023) Debate: Auditing and political accountability in local government—dealing with paradoxes in the relationship between the executive and the council, Public Money & Management, 43:3, 231-232, DOI: 10.1080/09540962.2022.2120279
Type of Paper
Published paper
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