The application of the IPSAS in Portugal
Uploaded by Xenia Mamakou
Uploaded date: September 08, 2021
Publication date
September 08, 2021
Paper language
This chapter aims to discuss Portugal’s experience in using an IPSAS-based accounting system—the SNC-AP. Despite more than 20 years of experience using accrual accounting, Portugal is in its beginning stages of SNC-AP implementation. Starting from a description of the normative process and the reforms implemented by the Portuguese government, this chapter presents the main advantages and difficulties of such a system in the perspective of different actors (pilot entities, standard setters, professionals, and the Court of Auditors). The lack of expertise in the field of public sector accounting and software support are identified as important obstacles. A clear strategic definition of SNC-AP implementation and a better orientation by policy and professional bodies (such as the CNCP, UniLEO, OCC, DGO, and DGAL) are considered important success measures.
Preferred Citation
GOMES, Patrícia; JORGE, Susana; FERNANDES, Maria José; «The application of the IPSAS in Portugal»; in Challenges in the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards: the experience of the Iberian Peninsula as a front runner, I. Brusca, P. Gomes, M. J. Fernandes, V. Montesinos (Eds.), Palgrave-MacMillan, Chapter 3, pp. 35-66, 2021 [ISBN 978-3-030-63124-6]; IIAS Series: Governance and Public Management. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63125-3
IPSAS; Accounting reforms; Portugal; SNC-AP; Implementation
Type of Paper
Book chapter