IPSAS, ESA and the Fiscal Deficit - a question of calibration
Uploaded by Josette Caruana
Uploaded date: May 14, 2020
Publication date
March 01, 2019
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The current literature on IPSAS-adoption is not clear whether this would lead to a fiscal deficit measure that is somehow close to that reported in national accounts. This paper presents a case study with the aim to clarify the answer to this burgeoning question. The findings show that IPSAS-compliance would result in yet another deficit measure that is nowhere close to the statistical measure, providing more confusion.
Since IPSAS-compliance would neither simplify and standardise the conversion exercise required to change the governmental accounting deficit to the statistical deficit, nor would it directly lead to more reliable statistical data, one can only question the impact of the proposed EPSAS (based on IPSAS) on the quality of macro-surveillance.
Since IPSAS-compliance would neither simplify and standardise the conversion exercise required to change the governmental accounting deficit to the statistical deficit, nor would it directly lead to more reliable statistical data, one can only question the impact of the proposed EPSAS (based on IPSAS) on the quality of macro-surveillance.
Preferred Citation
Caruana, J. and Grima, L. (2019). IPSAS, ESA and the Fiscal Deficit – a question of calibration. Public Money and Management, 39(2), pp. 121-130
central government; governmental accounting; macroeconomic surveillance; national accounts; statistical adjustments
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International Accounting / Accounting Harmonization
Type of Paper
Published paper