
Disclosure Quality Measurement in the Public Sector: A Structured Literature Review Marco Bisogno Hot

Uploaded by Marco Bisogno     Uploaded date: December 05, 2017    
Publication date
November 30, 2017
Paper language
The study investigates previous research concerning disclosure quality measurement in the public sector context. The principal motivation for undertaking this analysis is the growing body of literature that has examined this issue from different perspectives in light of the increasing attention paid by academics and practitioners to the transparency and accountability of public sector entities. The study adopts a structured research methodology, aiming to offer a critical overview of the state of the art, highlighting the main issues investigated by scholars and the areas of research which are under-investigated, unveiling emerging gaps. In so doing, this study outlines a future research agenda.
Preferred Citation
Bisogno, M., Citro, F., Santis, S. and Tommasetti, A. (2017), Disclosure Quality Measurement in the Public Sector: A Structured Literature Review, International Journal of Business and Management, 12(12): 119-134
disclosure quality; public sector; structured literature review
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