
I sistemi di misurazione della performance nelle università: considerazioni critiche sul sistema italiano francesca Manes Rossi Hot

Uploaded by francesca Manes Rossi     Uploaded date: April 04, 2017    
Publication date
April 04, 2017
Paper language
The performance measurement systems in universities. Critical considerations
on the Italian system
Performance Measurement Systems have long since been adopted by universities.
They have been developed in part as a result of reforms introduced by the wave of
the New Public Management, but also as consequence of the harmonization process
of the education systems which have affected many countries, particularly in
Europe. This paper provides an overview of the Performance Measurement Systems
adopted in most European countries and introduces a critical analysis of the
Italian system, focusing on the three main university missions that require evaluation.
These are: research, teaching activities and transfer of technology, all of
which are affected by the administrative activity. Through a documentary analysis,
particular attention is given to the guidelines issued recently in Italy by the National
Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR).
From a critical analysis of the systems currently adopted in Italy, taking into account
also the systems in other countries, the need to view university performance
in a more holistic manner emerges. This would lead towards an integrated assessment
of the three main missions that each university is required to accomplish.
Preferred Citation
Aversano A., Manes-Rossi F., Tartaglia Polcini P. (2017) I sistemi di misurazione della performance nelle università: considerazioni critiche sul sistema italiano - Management Control, 1, 15-36
Performance Measurement Systems; Italian Universities; ANVUR guidelines.
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Performance measurement
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