
Performance Measurement in Italian and Spanish Local Governments: Comparative Policy Analysis Isabel Brusca Hot

Uploaded by Isabel Brusca     Uploaded date: November 20, 2015    
Publication date
October 27, 2015
Paper language
NPM reforms have become a global trend and performance management systems are considered suitable to enhance the decision-making process and accountability. The aim of the paper is to carry out a comparative study on the adoption of performance measurement tools in Italian and Spanish (medium-sized and large) local governments. It seeks to find out how widespread these tools are and how their usefulness is perceived. The results show differences between the two countries and that the presence of professional managers – experienced with performance measurement tools – positively affects the adoption of these tools. Moreover, performance measurement tools are perceived as a support for accountability purposes.
Preferred Citation
Brusca, I., Manes Rossi, F. and Aversano,N. 2015. Performance Measurement in Italian and Spanish Local Governments: Comparative Policy Analysis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. DOI 10.1080/13876988.2015.1094892
financial reporting, performance measurement, accountability, local governments, comparative research
Comparative Research
Type of Paper
Published paper
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